Saturday 17 June 2017

Health Benefits Of Soursop

Parasite Control: The anti-parasitic nature of soursop has made it a popular treatment in many of the rural areas of Latin America and South America, particularly in areas where parasitic infections are more common. By brewing a tea from the leaves of the fruit, you can cleanse your gut and ensure that your gastrointestinal system is running smoothly.

Anti-inflammatory Properties: If you are suffering from joint pain or inflammation, particularly from conditions like gout or
arthritis, then rubbing a decoction of soursop on the affected area can be a wonderful way to find some relief. The anti-inflammatory compounds found in soursop can quickly speed healing in affected areas, while also soothing pain and improving flexibility.

Respiratory Distress: If you are struggling with a cough, cold, or other form of respiratory ailment, then soursop’s anti-inflammatory properties can help to clear out your airways, relieve congestion, and soothe irritation. Acting partially as an expectorant , soursop is a reliable way to eliminate phlegm and mucus, where many pathogens can live. By reducing inflammation of the nasal cavities and respiratory tracts, it can also speed healing.

Sedation and Stress: Soursop tea has been used as a stress relieving strategy for centuries. There are certain anti-inflammatory and soothing properties of soursop that make it very effective if you are suffering from excess stress and anxiety . Stress hormones in the body can be detrimental, and can mess with your natural metabolic cycles, as well as your sleep schedule. If you’re suffering from
insomnia or restless sleep, soursop tea is a wise choice.

Skin Health: You can pulverize the seeds of the soursop fruit into a powder, which can then be formulated into a skin astringent, helping you to reduce lines and wrinkles, and improve the appearance of age spots and blemishes. Topically apply this paste to the affected areas regularly and enjoy healthier skin, while also protecting yourself from bacterial and microbial infections.

Cancer Prevention: Some of the most interesting benefits of soursop relate to its antioxidant activity, which namely comes from acetogenins, as well as quinolones and alkaloids. These have been directly linked to cancer prevention and the reduction in size of tumors. Extensive research has been done on the unique organic compounds of soursop and it has been widely studied as an alternative cancer treatment. These
acetogenins are actually unique to the Annonanaceae plant family, which is what makes them so fascinating. They can apparently cut off blood flow to foreign or non-normal cellular growths, and have already been positively associated with treating breast, pancreatic, prostate, and lung cancers.
Immune System Booster: Protecting the immune system is one of the most important components of a healthy diet and fitness regimen. Adding a bit of soursop fruit to your diet, either through refreshing beverages or desserts, can positively impact your overall health and keep those illnesses at bay. Rich in vitamin C, this fruit stimulates the production of white blood cells, while the
concentration of antioxidants helps to neutralize free radicals and prevent chronic disease.

Gastrointestinal Health: Being rich in vitamin C, soursop was used for many years as a natural remedy for scurvy and dysentery. The juice of the soursop fruit can also be a very effective diuretic, to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and remove excess toxins and salts from the body. The anti-inflammatory components, including the alkaloids and quinolones, can reduce parasites in the gut and alleviate any pain and irritation in the stomach/colon.

Analgesic Properties: In terms of pain relief, soursop has been topically applied to wounds and injuries for generations, but also works internally to relieve pain and speed healing. The sedative and anti-inflammatory aspects of this impressive tropical fruit make it an ideal solution for all types of body pain, both inside and out.

In addition, the leaves and the stem back is also medicinal just as the fruit.
Researchers had re-verified Soursop leaf's hypotensive (reduce blood pressure) properties in rats. Other properties and actions of Soursop documented by traditional uses include its use as anti-cancerous, anti-diabetes, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-malarial, anti-mutagenic (cellular protector), emetic (induce vomiting), anti-convulsant, sedative (induces sleep), insecticidal and uterine stimulant (helps in childbirth). It is also believed to be a digestive stimulant, antiviral, cardio tonic (tones, balances and strengthens the heart), febrifuge (cures fever), nerviness (balances/calms the nerves), vermifuge (expels worms), pediculocide (kills lice) and as an analgesic (pain-reliever).
Researchers have confirmed the anti-viral activity of ethanolic extracts of Soursop against Herpes simplex virus. Extracts of Soursop have been shown to have anti-parasitic, anti-rheumatic, astringent, anti-Ieishmanial and cytotoxic effects. Soursop has also been shown to be effective against Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR) cancer cell lines. Extracts of Soursop were also shown to be effective against the cancer cell line U973, and hematoma cell lines in-vitro. Extracts were also shown to be lethal to the fresh water mollusk, Biomphalaria glabrata, which act as a host for the parasitic worm Schistosoma mansoni. But recent studies have described how extracts of Soursop reduces blood sugar in diabetics by improving insulin production, Improves cardiovascular health by reducing blood fats, treat drug resistant cancer, stop diarrhoea in children, among others.
Nigerian researchers have evaluated the effects of methanolic extract of Soursop leaves on the pancreatic islet cells of streptozotocin induced- diabetic rats. The results of the study indicated that Soursop extract treatment decreased the blood glucose concentration of diabetic rats due to the regeneration/proliferation in the pancreatic Beta cells (Beta-cells).
The pancreas is a gland organ in the digestive and endocrine system of vertebrates. It is both an endocrine gland producing several important hormones, including insulin, glucagon and somatostatin, as well as an exocrine gland, secreting pancreatic juice containng digestive enzymes that pass to the small intestine. These enzymes help in the further breakdown of the carbohydrates, protein, and fat in the chyme.
Beta cells (beta-cells, Beta-cells) are a type of cell in the pancreas in areas called the islets of Langerhans. They make up 65-80 per cent of the cells in the islets. Beta cells make and release insulin, a hormone that controls the level of glucose in the blood.