Tuesday 7 July 2015

Antibiotics: This Commonly Used Drug Found to Promote Obesity

You may be aware, and possibly have
experienced firsthand, that antibiotics can
cause diarrhea.
This is because antibiotics, by design,
disrupt the balance of good and bad
bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract, often
killing off both beneficial and harmful
microorganisms without distinction.
It is through this same mechanism that
antibiotics may also be causing you to pack
on extra pounds.
In fact, Dr. Martin Blaser, a professor of
microbiology at New York University
Langone Medical Center, suggests that
antibiotics may permanently alter your gut
bacteria and interfere with important
hunger hormones secreted by your
stomach, leading to increased appetite and
body mass index (BMI).
Antibiotics Lead to Increases in
Body Fat and Hunger Hormones
Research by Dr. Blaser has shown that 18
months after antibiotics are used to
eradicate H. pylori bacteria, there is a:
6-fold increase in the release of
ghrelin (the "hunger hormone") after
a meal
20 percent increase in leptin levels
(leptin is a hormone produced by fat
5 percent increase in BMI
Levels of ghrelin should ordinarily fall after
a meal to signal your brain that you're full
and ready to stop eating; an increase would
therefore essentially tell your brain to
continue eating, leading to weight gain.
Further, the increase in leptin levels is
concerning because overexposure to high
levels of the hormone can lead to leptin
resistance, which means your body is
unable to properly hear leptin's signals.
The way your body stores fat is a highly
regulated process that is controlled,
primarily, by leptin. If you gain excess
weight, the additional fat produces extra
leptin that should alert your brain that your
body is storing too much fat and needs to
burn off the excess.
To do this, signals are sent to your brain to
stop being hungry and to stop eating. When
you become leptin-resistant, your body can
no longer hear these messages -- so it
remains hungry and stores more fat.
Interestingly, you can easily become leptin
resistant by eating the typical American diet
full of sugar ( particularly fructose), refined
grains and processed foods … which, like
antibiotics, will upset the balance of
bacteria in your gut.
Farmers Use Antibiotics to Fatten
Up Livestock Quickly
About 70 percent of all the antibiotics
produced are used in agriculture -- not
necessarily to fight disease, but rather to
promote weight gain.
As stated by the Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs:
"Continuous, low-dose administration of an
antibiotic can increase the rate and
efficiency of weight gain in healthy
livestock. The presence of antibiotics likely
changes the composition of the gut flora to
favor growth. Debate is ongoing as to how
gut flora are changed; change may simply
be a reduction in numbers, a change in
species composition or a combination of the
… Some antibiotics may also enhance feed
consumption and growth by stimulating
metabolic processes within the animal."
Unfortunately, this practice is also
contributing to the alarming spread of
antibiotic-resistant disease. As it pertains to
your weight, there's ample reason to
believe that this same phenomenon occurs
in humans as well, figuratively turning
Americans into fatted calves.
Your Gut Bacteria and Your
Waistline Go Hand-in-Hand
Research by Dr. Blaser, for instance, found
that mice fed antibiotics (in dosages similar
to those given to children for throat or ear
infections) had significant increases in body
fat despite their diets remaining
Multiple studies have actually shown that
obese people have different intestinal
bacteria than slim people, and that altering
the microbial balance in your gut can
influence your weight. Here are six such
1. When rats were given lactic acid
bacteria while in utero through
adulthood, they put on significantly
less weight than other rats eating the
same high-calorie diet. They also had
lower levels of minor inflammation,
which has been associated with
2. Babies with high numbers of
Bifidobacteria and low numbers of
Staphylococcus aureus -- which may
cause low-grade inflammation in your
body, contributing to obesity --
appeared to be protected from excess
weight gain. This may be one reason
why breast-fed babies have a lower
risk of obesity, as Bifidobacteria
flourish in the guts of breast-fed
3. Two studies found that obese
individuals had about 20 percent
more of a family of bacteria known as
Firmicutes, and almost 90 percent
less of a bacteria called Bacteroidetes
than lean people. Firmicutes help
your body to extract calories from
complex sugars and deposit those
calories in fat. When these microbes
were transplanted into normal-weight
mice, those mice started to gain twice
as much fat.
4. Obese people were able to reduce
their abdominal fat by nearly 5
percent , and their subcutaneous fat
by over 3 percent, just be drinking a
probiotic-rich fermented milk
beverage for 12 weeks.
5. Probiotics (good bacteria) have been
found to benefit metabolic syndrome,
which often goes hand-in-hand with
6. Probiotics may also be beneficial in
helping women lose weight after
childbirth when taken from the first
trimester through breastfeeding.
Healthy Gut Bacteria Cannot
Coexist With Antibiotics
Antibiotics can save your life if you develop
a serious bacterial infection, but it's
important that you resist the urge to ask
your physician for a prescription for every
ear, nose, or throat infection you come
down with. Likewise for a cold or the flu.
Antibiotics are useless against viral
infections like these, and when used for this
purpose will only harm your health by
wiping out the good bacteria in your gut.
Antibiotic use has become so routine in the
United States that one round of the drugs
may seem like no big deal, but remember
that using them drastically alters the
makeup of bacteria in your gut, which will
need to be rebuilt in order for you to stay
in good health. Whenever you use an
antibiotic, you're also increasing your
susceptibility to developing infections with
resistance to that antibiotic -- and you can
become the carrier of this resistant bug and
even spread it to others.
Ultimately the problem of antibiotic-
overuse needs to be stemmed through
public policy on a nationwide level,
especially in the agricultural community,
but I urge you to also take personal
responsibility and evaluate your own use of
antibiotics, and avoid taking them -- or
giving them to your children -- unless
absolutely necessary.
Remember that the foods you eat are also a
major source of exposure to antibiotics, so
to protect your gut bacteria you should buy
primarily antibiotic-free, organically raised
meat and produce. Keep in mind that
conventionally farmed food is often grown
in fertilizer derived from factory-farmed
animal waste and human sewage, which
may be a source of contamination with
antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
The Recipe for Healthy Gut Bacteria
Your gut bacteria are vulnerable to your
lifestyle. If you eat a lot of processed foods,
for instance, your gut bacteria are going to
be compromised because processed foods
in general will destroy healthy microflora
and feed bad bacteria and yeast.
In addition to antibiotics, your gut bacteria
are also very sensitive to:
Chlorinated water
Antibacterial soap
Agricultural chemicals
Because virtually all of us are exposed to
these at least occasionally, ensuring your
gut bacteria remain balanced should be
considered an ongoing process, and
consuming fermented foods is one of the
best ways to do this.
One of the reasons why fermented foods
are so beneficial is because they contain
lactic acid bacteria -- a type of beneficial gut
bacteria that research shows can help you
stay slim.
I have long stated that it's generally a wise
choice to "reseed" your body with good
bacteria from time to time by taking a high-
quality probiotic supplement or eating non-
pasteurized, traditionally fermented foods
such as:
Lassi (an Indian yoghurt drink,
traditionally enjoyed before dinner)
Fermented organic grass-fed raw
milk, such as kefir
Various pickled fermentations of
cabbage, turnips, eggplant,
cucumbers, onions, squash and
Natto (fermented soy)
If you do not eat fermented foods on a
regular basis, a high-quality probiotic
supplement can be incredibly useful to help
maintain healthy gut bacteria when you
stray from your healthy diet and consume
excess grains or sugar, or if you have to
take antibiotics.
Also please remember that it is vital to
eliminate ALL sugars. They will sabotage any
beneficial effects of the fermented foods,
as they will act as nutrients for the
pathogenic yeast, fungi and bacteria that are
in your gut. 

Saturday 16 May 2015

let's begin our day with this

DATE: Saturday May 16, 2015
Memorise Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
Read Exodus 1:15 – 17
15: And the king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew midwives, of which the name of the one was Shiphrah, and the name of the other Puah:
16: And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live.
17: But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive.
Bible in One Year
1 Samuel 26 – 28; Mark 9: 30 – 50
A child who must fulfill destiny can never be destroyed by the enemy. The fact that you are alive today is a pointer to the fact that you have a destiny to fulfill, and this destiny is a good one (Jeremiah 29:11). By Pharaoh’s calculation, Moses was born to die. He orchestrated a diabolical arrangement with the midwives so that even before Moses was born, death was already waiting for him. However, the plan of God for Moses was quite different from Pharaoh’s plan. The good news is that God’s plan for you supersedes that of any human entity (Lamentations 3:37). Always be conscious of the fact that you are created for a divine purpose.
Although the children of God are a specially selected group of people (Ephesians 1:4 – 5), there are serious questions they must ask themselves and provide answers to in order to fulfill their destiny. Such questions include: will the plan of God for my life be fulfilled? The answer to this question is yes; that is if you are in good standing with God, because the counsel of God shall forever stand (Psalm 33:10 – 110. However, every child of God must remember that they can ignorantly upturn the plan of God for their lives as seen from the life=story of Eli the priest (1 Samuel 2:30)
Another question a child of God must ask if he or she would fulfill destiny is can the plan of God for my life be completely fulfilled? The answer to this question may be positive for some and negative for some others. For example, God’s plan for Joshua was unfortunately not fulfilled completely, In Joshua 1:3 – 4. God declared that He would help Joshua to fully capture the whole of the Promised Land. God even spelt out its boundaries to him. But alas, at the twilight of Joshua’s life, God said this to him in Joshua 13:1 ‘Now Joshua was old and stricken in years; and the LORD said unto him, Thou art old and stricken in years, and there remaineth yet very much land to be possessed.’ .What a disappointment. For you to fully realise God’s purpose for your life, you must make up your mind to be completely obedient to Him in everything He commands. When you consider the devastating effects of partial obedience on King Saul (1 Samuel 15:17 – 23), and the failure of King Joash of Israel who was asked to strike his arrow on the ground severally but stopped after the third strike (2 kings 13:16 – 19), you will learn how to obey God completely.
Prayer Point
Father, help me to completely obey You in all areas, so that I may fulfill Your divine purpose for my life.

Thursday 30 April 2015

I am not aware of ban on AIT, says Buhari

President-elect, General Muhammadu Buhari (retd), said yesterday that he was not aware of the temporary ban imposed on African Independent Television, AIT, not to cover his official functions.
Chief Raymond Dokpesi and President-elect Buhari
Chief Raymond Dokpesi and President-elect Buhari
Consequently, he instructed all his aides, including the security team, to steer clear of all media activities and allow those assigned the responsibility to solely play the role with their colleagues.
In a statement in Abuja yesterday by Directorate of Media and Publicity of All Progressives Congress, APC, Presidential Campaign Council, Buhari said he read about the ban in the papers, stressing that he was neither consulted nor informed about the development.
The President-elect, however, aligned himself with the pronouncement of his party, which had since reversed the ban on AIT.
According to him, sticking to the ban can only bring the party at par with the outgoing People’s Democratic Party, PDP.
Buhari said: “I would like everyone to henceforth stay within his/her defined area of responsibility.
“The time of change has come and we must avoid making the same mistakes as the outgoing government.”
- See more at: http://www.vanguardngr.com/2015/04/i-am-not-aware-of-ban-on-ait-says-buhar/#sthash.h95wW3Wv.dpuf

Forensic Audit Report on NNPC

PDP govs call for sack of Mu’azu, NWC members

Governors elected on the platform of Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, have concluded that the National Chairman of the party, Alhaji Adamu Mu’azu and other members of its National Working Committee, NWC, should take the path of honour and resign immediately.
Mu'azu: PDP's game changer
Mu’azu: PDP’s game changer
This was the outcome of the meeting of 19 PDP governors held Tuesday night, which extended to the early hours of yesterday at Akwa Ibom Governor’s Lodge, Asokoro, Abuja.
They resolved that it had become imperative for them to go to pave way for new leadership, following the abysmal performance of the party at the March 28 and April 11 general elections.
The meeting, which was the first since PDP lost the presidency after 16 years of leadership, was a post-mortem on the election and the way forward for the party.
The party, which controlled the Presidency, House of Representatives and the Senate since 1999, did not only suffer defeat at the presidential election, but also lost in its traditional states of Plateau, Niger, Kaduna, Benue, Bauchi and Jigawa.
It became the opposition party in the Senate with 46 senators,while APC has 60.
It was gathered that at the meeting, which was held behind closed doors as journalists were not informed, had Muazu, his deputy, Prince Uche Secondus and National Legal Adviser, Victor Kwon, and all 19 governors in attendance.
A source at the meeting told Vanguard that Muazu and his team were later asked to excuse the governors.
Soon after they left the Akwa Ibom State Governor’s Lodge, the governors, the source said, agreed unanimously that the party would need fresh persons and that Muazu and his team must pave way for the new blood that would be required to run the party.
Following the decision of the governors, who want to take total control of the party, members of the NWC, yesterday, went into a marathon meeting even though they were said to be on break for two weeks.
- See more at: http://www.vanguardngr.com/2015/04/pdp-govs-call-for-sack-of-muazu-nwc-members/#sthash.pn4K7iqL.dpuf

Afenifere cautions Buhari over anti-corruption fight

BuhariAFENIFERE, the  socio-cultural Yoruba group, yesterday, advised the president- elect, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) not to be selective in its fight against corruption.

The group, which expressed concern over the issue of corruption in the country, said: “It is so evident and pervasive in Nigeria that it needs to be seriously addressed if the country must move forward.”
This was contained in a communique issued after its monthly meeting at the country home of its leader Pa Reuben Fasoranti, in Akure, Ondo State.
Fasoranti, who read the communique, equally called on Gen Buhari to implement the resolution of the national conference held last year.
According to the communique: “In our view, devolution of power is the panacea to issues of corruption, generation of electricity, qualitative education, issues of security and other policies that will ensure a fair society.”
The group congratulated Gen Buhari on his victory in the just-concluded general elections and described the acceptance of the results of the election by President Goodluck Jonathan as patriotic.
Fasoranti said the acceptance of the result by the president “saved the country of a needless crisis that would probably have ensued.
The group pointed out that its position to support President Jonathan’s re-election should not be misunderstood by Nigerians.
According to the group, “the position was taken in the overall interest of the Yoruba race and the country.
“For the avoidance of doubt, the president-elect, himself would attest to our not being induced in supporting him in 2007. We were certainly not induced to support President Jonathan.
“Our decision was based on our age-long commitment to support a presidential candidate committed to restructuring of Nigeria.”
- See more at: http://www.vanguardngr.com/2015/04/afenifere-cautions-buhari-over-anti-corruption-fight/#sthash.bP1KdemQ.dpuf

Falling oil prices threaten my agenda — Buhari

THE President- elect, General Muhammadu
Buhari yesterday painted a gloomy picture in the
economic development of his administration as he said
that the decline in the revenues due to fall in oil prices
poses a great threat to his administration’s development
Gen. Buhari who visited the newly elected Senators and
House of Representatives members who are undergoing
induction course in preparation for the 8th National
Assembly in Abuja also said that the decline in revenue
would affect the reconstruction of devastated areas in
the country as a result of insurgency.
He reminded the elected members of the 8th assembly
of the challenges the nation had been facing which he
also said would continue in the near future.
The challenges according to him include general
insecurity and insurgency that has caused extreme
human hardship and destruction of lives, livelihoods that
would take over a decade to rebuild across most of
North Eastern Nigeria and some parts of North western
Another threat to his administration according to him
was the devastation and environmental degradation in
the Niger Delta area which he said must be attended to.
Others include, “endemic corruption which has crippled
human and infrastructure development for decades.
Unacceptably poor provision of power supply which has
had a crippling effect on development of small
businesses and indeed the wider economy.
“Deindustrialization for the past three decades leading to
closure of many industries and migration of many to
other African countries. Unacceptably high levels of
unemployment and especially Youth Unemployment
reaching over 40 per cent.”
Besides, Gen. Buhari mentioned high cost of governance
that has been crowding out the nation’s capital and
human development, erosion of public social services
such as infrastructure, health and education as well as
lack of development in the agricultural and solid mineral
sectors as areas that should be aggressively addressed.
While soliciting the support of the lawmakers, the
President-elect said, “The legislature is a critical
component and necessary ingredient of democracy and
good governance. The legislature by nature is inherently
democratic in the sense that all members are equal and
are elected representatives of the Nigerian people.
“As President-elect, I recognize this fact and believe that
legislators carry this heavy burden of representation with
all the seriousness it deserves.
“For a president to be successful in addressing
community development and general welfare of the
various people of the country, he or she would benefit
from working closely and in harmony with the legislative
arm of government.
“I therefore commit myself to working with the
legislature as development partners motivated by the
desire to deliver good governance”.
He commended President Goodluck Jonathan for the
role he played in the sustenance of democratic
institution by accepting election result, saying that
Nigeria was in the threshold of history.
Bemoaning high cost of governance, he said, “First and
foremost, appropriate policies need to be put in place
and such policies may have to be translated into laws.
“Secondly, the oversight functions of the legislature is
critical in ensuring that policies are implemented
effectively and transparently. Therefore, my mission to
bring integrity into governance would better succeed if
complemented with a strong culture of transparent
“We need to collaborate on the budget process and
restructuring of the public sector so as to collectively
tackle the menace of high recurrent cost at the expense
of capital and human development.”
“There is an urgent need to contain this high state of
insecurity. All of you are representing various
communities. We need to work together to address the
problem from both its roots and manifestations.
“The strongest mitigating forces at this point are to
redress the power sector deficits, encourage investments
that are job creating and focus on human development
and reconstruction. We also need to deploy efforts in
conflict resolution and peace building in all our
“I am here today, to invite you to work with the executive
as partners in progress, as champions of good
governance and development and as warriors for
change. Together, we can make this nation great and as a
role model in Africa and other emerging economies and
President of the Senate and Chairman of the National
Assembly, David Mark, who ushered in the President-
elect into the International Conference Centre, in
company of other leaders of the National Assembly,
described the visit as historic.
Noting that it was the first time a President-elect was
considering it worthwhile to address a joint session of
the National Assembly, Mark agreed it was a historic
meeting in the journey of democracy.
For the Speaker, House of Representative and Governor-
elect, Sokoto State, Honourable Aminu W. Tambuwal,
Buhari has extended a hand of fellowship to the
legislature by his personal visit.
Tambuwal however expressed hope that his colleagues
would reciprocate Buhari’s gesture by also extending a
sincere hand of fellowship to the President-elect when
his government fully takes over.

Sunday 26 April 2015

I don’t like my husband cooking — Hyacinth Idibia’s wife

Hyacinth Idibia is an artiste and Tuface’s younger brother. Married to Sana, a Sierra Leonean actress, they talk about their seven-year-old union in this interview
How did you meet your wife?
Hyacinth: I met her in Nigeria when she came for a movie production. I was at the movie location to see someone when our paths crossed.
How did the relationship develop?
Hyacinth: We went through all the usual stages boys and girls go through when they meet for the first time; we kept going back and forth until we finally decided to get married. If something is yours, it will always come to you.
How long did you court for?
Hyacinth: We courted for about a year, but six months into our courtship, I knew I would marry her. It took me another six months to propose to her because I lived in Nigeria and she lived in the United States of America. We had to travel back and forth to see each other and our families. Also, we are both from different nationalities and I needed to fix an appropriate time for our wedding.
How did you cope with the long-distance relationship?
Hyacinth: It was easy for us because we are both in the entertainment industry and we were able to travel back and forth. Distance is not a barrier when two people are in love with each other. We always found a way.
What was the proposal like?
Sana: It was in Nigeria; it was not a surprise because I saw it coming. It was just both of us and we did not have people around us.
What were the initial attractions?
Sana: He is a handsome guy. Women know what they want. When they meet a guy, they know if the guy is a match for them or not. The first day I saw him, I knew that he was my kind of guy. I was attracted to him. After we started dating, I found out he is respectable. Everything about him is perfect. He respects women and knows what a woman wants.
Hyacinth: She is beautiful and when I approached her, she responded to me in a nice way. She was down to earth and that got me attracted to her.
Would you have talked to him if he did not make the first move?
Sana: No, I would not have done that. In as much I live in the US, I am still African. I would not say it is a bad thing for a woman to approach a man, but it is not common in our culture.
How would you describe the marriage?
Hyacinth: When we were younger, people used to scare us and give us false notions about marriage. My marriage has been the most wonderful experience I have ever had.
Do you miss anything about bachelorhood?
Hyacinth: I could say yes, but those are selfish things.
What has made your marriage successful?
Sana: I would say we are blessed. What keeps us together is the attraction. Being married to someone you are not attracted to raises an issue. I am attracted to him in every single way and I do not feel I am married to an old man. Also, we understand and respect each other.
Hyacinth: We have the fear of God in our lives and apply His principles in our marriage.
How do you cope with running the home and working in the entertainment industry?
Hyacinth: We understand when to be away and how long we have to be away from home. Also, we make sure the family always comes first.
How do you cope with your cross-cultural marriage?
Sana: My husband is open and not rigid, even though we both live in the US, he is still a Nigerian. It is a matter of understanding and working together. When you are in love with someone, nothing is a big deal.
Did you learn to cook Nigerian meals?
Sana: All I did and still do is get the recipe and I would cook the food. I am African and I love to cook.
Was your family against your plans to marry a non-Nigerian?
Hyacinth: My family is liberal. I believe you can find love wherever you go. When I took her to meet my parents, their concern was her background- if she is from a good home and has a nice character.
How do you handle fans of the opposite sex?
Hyacinth: It is much easier for me as a married man to handle the opposite sex than when I was single. As a single guy, I had to do a lot of explanations but right now, I don’t have to do that.
Sana: It is fine for fans to send messages or emails, but some people do not know their boundaries and that is when I give them a disgusting look. They understand what I mean without saying a word. Once they know you are married, they know their boundaries.
What would you like to change about your husband?
Sana: My husband is extremely stubborn. When he exhibits that trait, all I do is walk away and he realises it. Other than that, he is calm and gentle.
Does he help with chores?
Sana: He does not. What he likes to do is take the trash outside the house but he likes to cook sometimes and I get upset with that. His mother taught them to cook; he has no sister, just brothers.
What advice would you give to married celebrities?
Hyacinth: They should not get married because of the fame or looks. Also, celebrities should not let their career get into their head. Careers come and go, but family stays and should always come first. What would they gain if they have all the money and lose their family?
Sana: Couples should learn to communicate. It is a key thing and they should not let people into their personal life. As a celebrity, you do not have a personal life, but some things need to be kept personal. The more you put out, the more the controversies, issues and questions you will have. You have to respect yourself and know that people are watching.
Do you operate a separate bank account?
Hyacinth: We have our separate accounts, we have a joint account and we have accounts for the kids.
Would your marriage have turned out differently if you lived in Nigeria?
Hyacinth: Marriage in the US, Sierra Leone and Nigeria are different because of the cultural diversity in Africa. In America, the law does everything but the good thing is that the state will not run your marriage. It depends on how the couple wants it to play out. But if you want to go by all the laws in the country, it might be difficult for the marriage to work out.
What pet names do you call each other?
Hyacinth: Calling pet names depend on our moods. Sometimes, I call her by her first name or I call her Mrs. Idibia.
Sana: I call him Anebi, which is his middle name, but he is not fond of it.

Ondo bans ‘ogogoro’, the local gin production

The Ondo state Government, west of Nigeria has banned the production and consumption of locally-made gin, commonly called `ogogoro` in the state.
The ban was reminiscent of the colonial and post colonial time when the gin was declared illegal. Dr. Tai Solarin, the educationist and founder of Mayflower School in IKenne in Ogun state, led a campaign for the lifting of the ban in the 70s.
This time around, the Ondo state government is slamming a ban as a result of the recent health hazards associated with its consumption.
The state Commissioner for Health, Dr Dayo Adeyanju, announced the ban at a news conference in Akure on Saturday.
The commissioner attributed the ban to the outbreak of an unknown disease two weeks ago in Irele Local Government Area of the state.
“Our clinical analysis reveals the fact that there were no known viruses, while toxicology reports have confirmed our prime suspicion of methanol poisoning.

“We have reviewed our strategies and embarked on sensitisation to let people know that locally-made gin is prohibited.
“We will also embark on searches because this batch of methanol-containing gin must have gone round because 4 cases: 2 alive and 2 dead have been found in Odigbo Local Government Area,“ he said.
Adeyanju said that stakeholders such as religious leaders, transporters, youths, market women, and the relevant association would be informed of the development.
He said, “We will start with the entire South Senatorial District, then move to the Central Senatorial District.
According to the commissioner, the unknown disease has so far claimed 23 lives with ten other people receiving treatment.
“Two of them have regained their sights and are back home.
“We appeal to the general public to desist from drinking the gin until we are able to identify the source of contamination or find out how the methanol got into the drinks,“ he said.
The commissioner said that the state government was working closely with the National Agency for Food, Drug Administration and Control and the National Orientation Agency to sensitise members of the public to the dangers of consuming such drinks.

Xenophobic Attacks: Nigeria recalls Ambassadors from South Africa

Nigeria government on Saturday recalled its High Commissioner to South Africa, Ambassador Martin Cobham, and his deputy, Uche Okeke, to protest the continued attacks by South Africans on Nigerians and other foreigners in the former apartheid enclave.
Ambassador Aminu Wali, Nigeria Minister of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that the envoys have been summoned for consultation.
The statement read, “The Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Aminu Wali, has summoned for consultation, Nigeria’s senior diplomats on tour of duty in South Africa. These are the Acting High Commissioner in Pretoria, Ambassador Martin Cobham, and the Deputy High Commissioner in Johannesburg, Ambassador Uche Ajulu-Okeke.
“The invitation is in connection with the ongoing xenophobia in South Africa targeting foreigners, mainly African migrants.
The current spate of attacks began about three weeks ago, and has so far claimed some seven lives, destruction of property and created fear and uncertainty in the minds of African migrants in the former apartheid enclave.
The South African President, Mr. Jacob Zuma, has condemned the attacks in a statement presented to the South African National Assembly while the Zulu Monarch, Goodwill Zwelithini, whose alleged inciting comment provoked the attacks has also called for a stop to the attacks.

Google executive killed on Everest after Nepal quake

A Google executive and self-described adventurer was among 10 people killed at a Mount Everest base camp in an avalanche triggered by a major Nepal earthquake Saturday, the company and his family said.
Dan Fredinburg was killed in the avalanche that buried parts of the base camp where hundreds of mountaineers were gathered for the start of the climbing season.
He was with several colleagues who survived the tragedy, Lawrence You, director of privacy at Google, said in a blog post.
“Sadly, we lost one of our own in this tragedy. Dan Fredinburg, a long-time member of the Privacy organization… was in Nepal with three other Googlers, hiking Mount Everest. He has passed away,” You wrote.
“The other three Googlers with him are safe and we are working to get them home quickly.”
You said Google.org was contributing $1 million to the response efforts.
Fredinburg’s sister Megan said he died of a head trauma.
“We appreciate all of the love that has been sent our way thus far and know his soul and his spirit will live on in so many of us,” she posted on his Instagram feed, along with a photo of him scaling a snowy slope.
“All our love and thanks to those who shared this life with our favorite hilarious strong-willed man. He was and is everything to us,” she posted.
Fredinburg described himself as an “Adventurer, Inventor, and Energetic Engineer @Google” on his Twitter page.
Photos on his Twitter and Instagram accounts in recent days show him preparing for his trek on the snowy slopes of Everest with colleagues.
“Ice training with @micbattelli means frequent stops for morning cappuccino, regardless of danger. #Everest2015,” his last post on Friday read.
His Twitter feed said he arrived in the Nepalese capital Kathmandu on March 31.
Fredinburg’s LinkedIn profile said he was head of privacy at Google X and had previously worked as an engineer for Boeing.
Officials have confirmed more than 1,200 deaths after the massive earthquake that tore through Nepal, making it the worst disaster in more than 80 years in the quake-prone nation.

Man Bags 2years Jail for Internet Fraud

An internet fraudster, Okwuka Olisaebuka Ifeanyi, whose modus operandi is to hack into people’s email to commit fraud, was on April 23, 2015 sentenced to two years imprisonment by Justice H.A Nganjiwa, of the Federal High Court, Port Harcourt, Rivers State on a three count amended charge of forgery brought against him by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC.
Ifeanyi’s journey to jail started on April 21, 2014 when he was arrested by operatives of the Commission with various forged fraudulent documents in his possession.
One of the charge reads:
“That you Okwuka Olisaebuka Ifeanyi on or about the 3rd day of March, 2013 at Port Harcourt within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, with intent to defraud, did forge a document with subject: URGENT SECURITY UPDATE purportedly issued by First bank of Nigeria Plc that it may be acted upon as genuine which you knew to be false and thereby committed an offence contrary to section 1 (2) (c) of the Miscellaneous Offences CAP M17 of the Revised Edition (Laws of the Federation of Nigeria) Act 2007 and Punishable under section 1(2) of the same Act.”
He pleaded guilty upon his arraignment on February 24, 2015.
In view of his plea, the matter was adjourned to March 5, 2015 for review of facts where the EFCC gave evidence and tendered several exhibits to prove its case.
Following the review of facts, Justice Nganjiwa found the accused guilty and sentenced him accordingly.
The convict is to forfeit his laptop and phone, which he used in the fraudulent activities, to the Federal Government.

PDP senator, Uzodinma arrested for poll cheating

Senator Hope Uzodinma of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) was among some three dozen poll cheats arrested by the Nigerian police during the supplementary election conducted in Imo state today.
Uzodinma was nabbed in his private home in Oru local council, taking part in an orgy of thumb-printing ballot papers for the candidate of the PDP, Emeka Ihedioha, deputy speaker of the House of Representatives.
Premiumtimes said Uzodinma’s uncle and elder sister were also arrested.
However, while his uncle and sister were detained, Mr. Uzodimma was released on personal recognition.
In a show of lawlessness, Uzodinma’s supporters in the area set bonfires on the road to prevent the police from taking his relations away.
The police had to call for reinforcement from the army and officials of the secret police, the State Security Service before the bonfires and hoodlums were cleared and his relations carted away to be detained in the state capital, Owerri.
The polling in Imo state was charecterised by an assortment of irregularities, especially in Oru local council area.
Apart from Uzodinma and his relations, five ad hoc officials of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in Imo were also arrested for thumb-printing ballot papers.
The officials were arrested at Omuma Primary School in Oru East local government following an order by Mr Mike Igini, one of the resident electoral commissioners deployed to Imo for the election.
The Resident Electoral Commissioner in Imo, Dr Gabriel Ada, who confirmed the arrest, said that the officials were already in police custody.
Ada said the ad hoc workers connived with agents of a political party to thumb-print ballot papers leading to their arrest.
In the same vein, the election has been cancelled in Ozuh Primary School, Omuma following the arrest of 25 persons claiming to be INEC officials by military men.

Okorocha in clear lead, set to be named Imo’s governor-elect

From all indications, Governor Rochas
Okorocha of the All Progressives Congress
will soon be declared governor-elect of Imo
state, for a second term, defeating the
candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party,
Emeka Ihedioha, by not less than 100,000
In most results declared today at polling
units where supplementary polls were
condicted, Okorocha trashed his PDP
opponent by wide margins, making his re-
election a certainty.
Ihedioha’s hope for a push was deflated
today with the arrest of some his backers,
such as Senator Hope Uzodinma, for trying to
stuff ballot boxes with thumb-printed ballot
When the result of the 11 April election was
declared inconclusive, Okorocha was leading
Ihedioha by over close to 80,000 votes.
He polled 385,671 votes to Ihedioha’s
306,142 votes.
The supplementary polls were meant to
resolve the clear winner and today, the votes
kept swinging to Okorocha, in the main.
Here are some samples of the results from
the polling stations:
Oru West
APC: 395
PDP: 129
Oru East
APC: 7154
PDP: 118
Owerri North
APC: 674
PDP: 620
APC: 412
PDP: 207
Ihime Mbano
APC: 604
PDP: 393
Abo Mbaise
APC: 686
PDP: 939
Owerri West
APC: 1342
PDP: 793
Ohaji Egbema
APC: 1210
PDP: 996
APC: 3997
PDP: 2422
Ngow Okpala
APC: 4150
PDP: 323
Nkwerre Local Government. Re-run held
in two wards.
APC: 255
PDP: 164
Okigwe (re-run in two wards)
APC: 603
PDP: 76
Orlu (re-run held in three wards)
APC: 687
PDP: 179
Ihite Uboma (re-run held in one polling
APC: 131
PDP: 66
Nwangele (re-run held in three polling
APC: 279
PDP: 55
Orsu (re-run held in three polling units)
APC: 471
PDP: 218
Njaba (re-run held in six polling units)
APC: 1095
PDP: 236
Obowo (re-run held in two wards)
APC: 697
PDP: 505
Ezinhitte Mbaise (re-run held at four
polling units)
APC: 213
PDP: 715

Saturday 25 April 2015

faithful hubby say amen na

korean church meeting pt2

faithful hubby

na 9ja be dis?

korean church meeting

no expect miracle oooo

can this be true?

Xenophobia: Nigerian men are snatching our wives – South African Politician

South African politician, Makashule Gana, has said some of his compatriots have complained to him that they are angry with Nigerians and other immigrants because they snatched their girldfriends. Gana, a Deputy Federal Chairperson of Democratic Alliance, made this disclosure in at an anti-xenophobia rally, held at Constitution Hill. South African newspaper, City Press, reported that Gana advised that rather than get angry and take the anger out on foreigners, South African men should “provide” properly for women, rather than lash out at non-nationals for “stealing” women away. Gana urged the crowd at the rally to spread the message of not taking part in xenophobic attacks to “our wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, makhwaphenis (secret lovers), neighbours and brothers”. “If you can’t speak to a girl, now all of a sudden a man that comes from Zimbabwe or Nigeria that can speak to a girl now must be killed. What is that?” “So I ask my fellow brothers from South Africa, if you want a woman please go speak up, don’t go around and killing someone from Nigeria because they can speak up for themselves. Speak out because it is important,” he told the crowd. He also urged South Africans to look at themselves and not blame non-nationals for stealing their jobs when these jobs didn’t exist in the first place. “Go and start a spaza shop,” advised Gana.

I have no regrets having only female children –ELDee

Veteran, hip-hop artiste, Lanre Dabiri, better known as ELDee the Don, has been silent in the music scene for long while. Last year, there were speculations that the singer had quit music. However, in a chat with Saturday Beats, he cleared the air that he is not quitting music as he explained that he was away from the Nigerian entertainment scene to spend some time with his family. “I did not quit music; I evolved from being a complainer to a solution provider. The reason why I was away from the music scene and travelled out of the country was because I needed to take some time off so that I could spend some time with my family. I had not been with my family for years and I felt they deserved my time. I have young girls and I have to be there for my kids and that supersedes any kind of passion that I have. That is part of the reasons I took some time off. I also used the opportunity to work on my new project, Play data, where artistes can track how frequently their works are being used. I did not relocate to America, I am back in Nigeria and my house is still there,” he said. The singer who announced that he might be done with child bearing, said that he has no regret having only female children. “I am not paranoid that I have two lovely female children. I feel that every parent needs to treat their children with care regardless if they are male or female. If you give them the right training and support system, they would be okay. So you would not be afraid of boys chasing your daughters. My daughters are beautiful and I show them off all the time. They are my pride and joy and I have absolutely no regrets having girls. I am probably going to stop at the two girls and maybe never have a son. For me, they are children, my children and I love them a lot. I am proud of them,” ELDee said.

Aftermath of the 2015 general election

Aftermath of the 2015 general election, the Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) has appealed to the United Nations (UN) to pass a resolution recognising the South- East Region of Nigeria as Independent State of Biafra. The movement in a statement said recognising Biafra now was more necessary than ever before in the history of its struggles for independence. According to it, this would be in conformity with the recognition given the territory in the late 60s by some countries during her struggle for self-determination which led to the civil war and the shortlived republic. In the statement signed by the National Assistant Director of Information of the movement, Sunday Okereafor, the movement said the outcome of the 2015 general elections in the country was nothing but a repeat of the 1960s in which two of the three major blocs in the country conspired against the South-East, culminating in the civil war that claimed the lives of many Igbo. He lamented that with the present political marriage between the North and South- West,
Ndigbo had no place in the political arrangement of today’s Nigeria, emphasising that in the present circumstance, it would be expedient for the UN to now recognise Biafra as a sovereign state. It would be recalled that just last week, the Ex-Niger Delta militant leader, Asari Dokubo had a private meeting with MASSOB leader, Ralph Uwazurike at Buguma Toru Local Government Area of Rivers State. Also recently, MASSOB had warned the former Minister of Defence, Lt. Gen. Theophilus Danjuma, to desist from making derogatory statements about the late Biafran leader, Chief Chukwuemeka Ojukwu. The warning came after a statement by General Danjuma that Ojukwu could have averted the bloodbath in the Biafran war if he had given up following the fall of Enugu during the Nigerian civil war. Danjuma, speaking shortly after outgoing President Goodluck Jonathan conceded defeat in the Presidential polls of 28 March which many believed brought back the country from the precipice said if Ojukwu had done the same during the time, kit would have saved a lot of lives in Biafra. Following the loss of President Jonathan in the March 28 Presidential election, Niger Delta Militants, especially his Ijaw kinsmen had said that they would consult widely in order to decide on their next line of action.

I am an expert when it comes to women — Teju Babyface

Teju Oyelakin, host of the popular TV comedy show, The Teju Babyface Show, draws old and young both inside and outside the entertainment industry to his platform, making his show rank as one of the best entertaining shows on TV. The multi-talented comedian in this chat as our Showtime Celebrity talks about his show, comedy, his marriage and more. Your show is always flooded with A-list celebrities; what’s the secret?
Getting guests for my show is one of the biggest challenges of running the show especially when I was not known. At the same time, I can’t remove the element of luck. However, for every guest that shows up on the show, there is one who will not be able to make it. My dream is to get to the level of having a waiting list of A-list guests, waiting to get on the show. How long does it take to get your guests? It varies and depends on the guest. I can liken this to when I was wooing girls. I don’t believe in ladies who keep a man waiting. When I work on a guest for a while and I can’t see the green light, I will leave the person and may check back in a year’s time or so. I do not knock the same door every day. For instance, I have been trailing Prof. Wole Soyinka for five years and I have not given up on him. But that will not stop me from working on other professors. Which of your show do you consider most memorable? Every show and guest is memorable to me. I remember every person who has come to my show and it’s been a wonderful experience. I remember how I feel before and after the guest arrives. And even my sentiments when he or she leaves. Every interview or interaction on the show leaves a signature on me. How has The Teju Babyface show affected your career?
The greatest ingredient a man needs to outstanding success in life is equity. The Teju Babyface Show has brought me influence. What some people will have to queue for, buy with their hard-earned money, will come my way for free and without stress. The brand ‘’Teju Babyface’’ will make me come to your office even when I know nobody (though I don’t do that) and still get attraction. These and lots more are things Teju Babyface Show has done for me. The Teju Babyface has brought me brand equity. Why the name “Teju Babyface Show? It’s a brand; there’s no point changing a winning formula. We are building a structure that will house everything from the brand name. You’ve brought more celebrities even outside the entertainment industry on the show. How did that idea come to you? It was the combination of many things. I’ve always loved the Johnny Carson show and I wanted something like it. Something that will give me a platform and stand me out. So that was how it started. I’ve spent years building a brand as a comedian, after a while I knew I had to Babyfacediversify, walk into other territories and make my mark. I prayed about it, talked to God and the people who inspired me. The show was born out of the zeal to create my own number one spot in life. You hardly attend comedy shows or mingle with comedians. Comedy is only a means to an end for me. It is a college of life that I am currently enrolled in and not necessarily the reason for going to the college. I graduated from the school of comedy into doing a talk show that is much applauded and celebrated. Teju Babyface has mainly music and interview content with a pint of comedy. I am not a comedian essentially. How would you describe yourself? My calling or profession is to captivate and inspire a mass audience using the media through my vocal and creative talent to influence them for a greater cause. I am an African man who will never pretend about it. How has marriage affected your career?
My marriage has improved my career and also made me responsible. My marriage is great and gets interesting as the day goes by. I fended and thought for myself as a single man. I was also a bit reckless then. I am more responsible as a married man. Would you describe your wife? I married the best woman on earth. Sincerely, I got much more than I deserve in this regard. She is the best of all women. How do you mean? I am an expert when it comes to women and I know a good one. She is one of the good ones and I will always appreciate her. She was kept for me. Can you recall your most romantic experience with your wife? My wife is far from the traditional romantic woman, which is the exact reason I married her. She is not the type who would jump at a gift without knowing the reason behind it. She is a very serious minded type who does not really need a man before getting things right. She doesn’t crave for attention like many women do. There was a time we forgot our wedding anniversary and when we remembered, we laughed at it. I would not have lasted with a woman who will nag or sob at things like that. She is a strong woman.babyface1 Some celebrities endorsed candidates in the last election but you didn’t. Why? I have no reason to endorse any political candidate publicly. I have not gotten to the level where my political choice will influence a large percentage of Nigerians. So endorsing one politician is a waste of time. I pray a time will come when politicians will seek my opinion. Seeking my opinion is an index that my opinion counts. And that is only when my opinion can influence a large number of the populace. Which asset do you value most? Money is my best asset. I can get almost every asset with money. I am crazy about cars too. What has been the lowest/highest fee you charged for a show My lowest was N3, 000 and that was my first show at the University of Lagos in 2000. Unfortunately, the producer absconded with my money before I noticed it. I have done many shows for free. The highest money I have received is in millions. - See more at: http://www.vanguardngr.com/2015/04/i-am-an-expert-when-it-comes-to-women-teju-babyface/#sthash.WuPZS6fF.dpuf